Poetic Dustbin

Summer Outing 2022 – Calayo Beach Nasugbu Batangas – Transient House ni Nanay Gina

Summer Outing 2022 - Calayo Beach Resort

It was one quite morning. I’m doing the usual things a lazy guy would do on a Good Friday: Lay down and watch youtube. But it won’t be that usual weekend…I suddenly got a message from my daughter, Ces: “Pa, Beach tayo!”

I replied: “Kelan”. She replied:”Ngayon”

Then I just realized Bhadz (my other daughter) will be celebrating her hundredth birthday (kiddin’) on Monday… So I didn’t think of saying no or arguing about rescheduling it. Hell, Yeah! Let’s go the Beach!

I tasked them to find a good resort that allows improptu reservation or would let us come on short notice.

Before it was Google… But nowadays, Facebook has you covered. Facebook pages on Batangas Beaches are plenty. What we were looking for is a place near a beach that can house 6 adults and 3 kids. It should have an airconed room since it’s summer and a necessity for kids ( You know how they are when it’s hot ).

After an hour or so we found a place called “Transient House ni Nanay Gina. I coordinated with Miss Vanessa Roll Perez for the details and she sent me this card of what they offer. (insert pic)

Going to Nasugbu

This Transient House is not a resort hotel. It’s a simple place where you can stay and get access to a nearby beach. In this case, Calayo Beach. It’s a 2-3 minute walk from the Transient House. And we’re good with that. But we kept our expectations to a LOW so we wouldn;t be disappointed just in case.

And so we set off and packed ourr things. We need to fit 9 people ( Me, Xy, Xeon, Cess, Randy, Bhadz, Cas, Ada and Aezekiel) in our small SUV and fortunately we did. There were no complains, atleast nothing I heard hehehe. We left our house around 3pm. The journey begins.

The travel was long. Google Maps estimated it at more than 3 hours but It took more than that. We need to make couple of stopovers to eat ( always Mcdo ) and buy some stuff along the way.

Traffic was normal. But it was really far. The location is at Calayo Nasugbu. Roads were a mixed baggage. There were some regular street roads but as we landed at Batangas, as expected, we rode down curves, ups and downs. I was a bit scared though. I was driving at night and there were little to no lights on the roads and the curves weren’t just normal curves; they were uphills and downhills. Since we were a bit overloaded, I need to balance that speed when going up and down. It’s a good thing my navigator (Xy) kept awake all throughout (Thanks!) and I was guided accordingly.

Transient House ni Nanay Gina

After a long stretch of U’s, C’s and L’s in the map, we finally reached the place by 9pm. The drive was really tiring. It was like a small town. There’s no Globe Telecom signal unfortunately. Roads were narrow for cars. But the good thing, we were able park just in front of the Transient House. Cool! The house was like a modern “Kubo” with all the amenities we need. Airconed bedroom with a bunk bed that can probably fit us all, our own comfort room, showers, a place to cook with some cooking wares and a gallon of water, 2 sets of fans and a relaxing ambiance. Nanay Gina was very accommodating. She welcomed us with a smile even though it was a bit late and guided us through all the stuff we need to know. It’s actually a good location, there were small stores nearby where you can buy food and essentials. Oh yeah, they also put up a hammock for us. Thank you!

They cooked dinner ( Adobong Manok and Sinigang sa Hipon ) and we gobble it up like wolves in winter. We need to get rest so that we can start early tomorrow for the beach. Everyone was excited. This is the first time we went out together for an outing. Yes!

Time to Hit the Beach

We woke up around 6:00 AM and everyone’s really up and about prepping for the beach. We went ahead with Nanay Gina to check out the beach first. It wasn’t that crowded and the sand was fine. The water was tamed, that’s good. She asked us if we want to go to an island she pointed out via boat which costs around 2500php, I thought about and courteously declined. We don’t have the luxury of time since the boat travel was roughly 30-45 mins one way. We went back our house cottage and ate breakfast. Hotdogs and some leftovers from last night. After breakfast Bhadz and Joy prep the kids while Randy helped out in fixing the stuff in the cottage. Xy and Xeon also help prepare things we need. I asked them to go ahead so that I can lock the room and keep it safe.

Beach time! It wasn’t “Class A” beach but the happiness was way above “Class A”. Just spending time together and enjoying the company of family and nature bring a subtle feeling of peace and enjoyment. I felt that this trip was long overdue and I’m glad they pushed me to go along. We didn’t spend on the activities, it costs a bit much. I just let them play in the waters and in the sand. Never forget the task of taking photos. Less of that though, more time to merge and fill your senses with nature. I won’t be detailing the stuff we did. I’ll let the pictures tell the stories

It was fun!

The sun was a bit kind to us. It was cloudy and the kids were able to appreciate splattering in the water more without getting sun-burned. We were able to saturate our time on the water and left of hours to have lunch together and rest a bit for the trip back home.

All in all it was a very pleasant stay. Nanay Gina provided us all the things we needed and she was kind and accommodating. I can highly recommend this place for families and groupies who just want to spend a simple and affordable getaway.

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