First and foremost… I am apolitical… I fuckin’ hate politics!
Google defines Politics as:
Politics is the way that people living in groups make decisions. Politics is about making agreements between people so that they can live together in groups such as tribes, cities, or countries. In large groups, such as countries, some people may spend a lot of their time making such agreements.
The definition is a façade of what’s really inside the word… And nowadays, politics dwell even in the smallest units of the society… family, friends and peers…
And as far as I know, where Politics exists, Corruption thrives… and corruption is a gourmet food for the greedy, the selfish and the power hungry…
We as citizens contribute to the worsening case of our political status… We give in to social media outrages, fake news and the false ideas that we can do better if we are the one sitting on the high chair…
The Society today are getting more stupid… we either fall prey to politicians’ painted promises or become victims of leftists propagandas.
As long as we think and act that we are more capable of leading than the present government officials… as long as we ride the social media band wagon… as long as we see nothing but mistakes and short comings and as long as we fail to compromise then this country of ours is doomed…
Again.. I fuckin hate Politics! and I abhor Corrupt Government Officials even more…
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