Lately, My mind is a bag of mixed nuts… I have a lot of things to do but don’t know where to start…
I tried to rest my mind and just watch movies and series but still it won’t settle…
I know… I know… a lot of people in this pathetic planet have far worse problems than I do but it doesn’t mean I don’t have the right to feel like a human being, rant, sulk or wallow…
2021 is a rough year for me and my family… and I’m still in the stage where I haven’t accepted everything yet… It may take some time… days, weeks, months and probably years… I lost my parents… both of them… I still have a difficult time waking up and dealing with that fact… I have kids to take care of… and I need to suit up and walk my responsibility on a daily basis…
You know what really sucks? People.
People who you depend on to be with me and understand me during these dark days. They are but they are really not. Instead of lending their ears or time… They blow the horn and yell at me like a barker in a jeepney terminal… They give me these superhero speeches and tell you that life is ok and everything will be ok… But sometimes… sometimes… all I want is someone to talk to or someone who will just listen to my grief…
No one’s like that anymore… And everyone is a social media freak…
Life sucks at the very least…
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