Poetic Dustbin

Don’t break the cycle. Get out of it.

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The way we live our lives can define our future.

Nowadays, most of us just travel around a loop… doing things over and over again… without even knowing it…

We wake up, take a bath, eat breakfast, go to work ( which is just right around the corner of our room… remember? Work-From-Home Setup…) then lunch in between and work again. After work we rest a little, eat dinner, watch TV or browse eternally on our phone, then we sleep…. repeat…

It’s a vicious cycle that we feel like we can’t escape from; because of economy, because we need to live, a term we now associate with the word survive… because we need to eat and we have mouths to feed… This is our life now… on autoplay.

But we can get out of that cycle. Yes we can. You can. I can.

How? Here’s how…. Not clinically proven but hey it works for me, it may work for you.

  • Do some things you want that don’t include work or eating.
  • Watch movie genres you don’t usually watch.
  • Play games on your phone or on your pc.
  • Write poetry. Draw on a notebook or any paper.
  • Take a bath longer while listening to classical or heavy metal music.
  • Cook even though you don’t know how.
  • Exercise! not for health benefits but to release your energy… and sweat a little.
  • And finally, if you’re married and/or have kids, spend more time with them even though it means just sitting beside them while they tinker with their devices.

There are more you can do aside from the list I gave… These are trying times… Hell, you may never know when apocalypse would hit the planet… So, just live your life the way you want it to be… You don’t need to wealthy to appreciate life but don’t be stupid reaching for the moon without a rocket ship…

Don’t break the cycle, if it is your life line… Just get out of it… once in a while… And smile 🙂

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