Poetic Dustbin

MTG Arena Standard – Orzhov Tokens with Kaya Geist Hunter, Sorin the Mirthless & Lolth Spider Queen

A little bit of control… a little bit of Orzhov token creations… some VIP planeswalkers… that produce tokens… Increase the number with Kaya the Geist Hunter… attack and win.. that’s all..

MTG Arena Standard - Orzhov Tokens with Kaya Geist Hunter, Sorin the Mirthless & Lolth Spider Queen

Best of One Standard Deck List

8 Creatures

  • 4x – Shambling Ghast
  • 4x – Eyetwitch

28 Non-Creatures

  • 3x – Sunset Revelry
  • 3x – Deadly Dispute
  • 2x – Rite of Oblivion
  • 4x – Vanishing Verse
  • 4x – The Meathook Massacre
  • 3x – Wedding Announcement
  • 2x – Starnheim Unleashed
  • 3x – Kaya Geist Hunter
  • 2x – Sorin the Mirthless
  • 2x – Lolth Spider Queen

24 Lands

  • 1x – Emeria’s Call
  • 1x – Hive of the Eye Tyrant
  • 1x – Faceless Haven
  • 1x – Field of Ruins
  • 4x – Shattered Sanctum
  • 4x – Brightclimb Pathway
  • 4x -Shineshadow Snarl
  • 4x – Snow-Covered Swamp
  • 4x – Snow-Covered Plains
Kaya Geist Hunter
Wedding Announcement - MTG Arena
Sorin the Mithless

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