Life is always better when you have a sibling. It can be a brother or sister.
Blood is always thicker than water.
You’ll have someone to turn to at your deepest, darkest hour.
Me. I don’t have any brother or sister. I am the only son. When I was young, I feel like it’s a blessing being the center of attraction. I have the room for yourself. All the toys are only mine to play with. I get to wear anything you like. I’m pampered and taken care with 24 hours a day. In short, I am a spoiled brat. I can ask anything from my parents and they’ll be obliged to provide. I am the king of my world.
But now, I feel alone.
Whenever I feel depressed, anxious or psychologically tired. I have no one to listen to me. A brother or sister would. Others, would either just say “It’s alright” or worse blame me for the predicaments or problems you are facing. It’s the sad truth.
I feel like I’m standing on top of a cliff screaming for help and only gets an echo to content with. This is my life. My shoe is a vagabond’s fit.
– poeticdustbin
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