Poetic Dustbin

MTG Arena 2022 – Standard Mono Blue Haughty Djinn and Tolarian Terror Deck

It’s that Mono Blue Tempo Deck with Haughty Djinn and Tolarian Terror that pisses off the opponent… This is my version of it… It’s all about timing and protecting your creatures so you can one shot or two shot your opponent … Don’t be such a haughty kid!

MTG Arena 2022 - Standard Mono Blue Haughty Djinn and Tolarian Terror Deck

Best of One Standard Deck List

7 Creatures

  • 4 Haughty Djinn
  • 3 Tolarian Terror

31 Non-Creatures

  • 3 Consider
  • 3 Thirst for Discovery
  • 4 Fading Hope
  • 4 Make Disappear
  • 3 Impulse
  • 2 Invoke the Winds
  • 2 Spell Pierce
  • 3 Negate
  • 2 Slip Out the Back
  • 2 Shore Up
  • 3 Essence Scatter

34 Lands

  • 20 Island
  • 2 Otawara, Soaring City

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