A Grixis Control deck that ramps up with Big Score and Atsushi, the Blazing Sky to cast Etali, Primal Conqueror and Breach the Multiverse. Some spot and mass removal Spells to clear the board. It’s all about timing and graveyards… Now, be unstoppable!
MTG Arena - Standard Grixis Control with Etali and Breach the Multiverse for the win!
Its A Mardu Graveyard Deck with Etali, Tyrranax, Sheoldred and Atraxa using Cruelty of Gix and Invasion of Tolvada. And with the help of Atsushi , the Blazing Sky and Bic Score, you can also acquire more mana to cast them. Multiple Board wipes can help reset the battlefield as needed. Union of the Third path is also useful to keep your life count stable. SO go ahead and enjoy how your opponent concede… hahahahah
MTG Arena 2023: Standard Mardu Etali Graveyard Deck with Cruelty of Gix and Invasion of Tolvada
This is an 80-card Esper Control Deck… It features a number of Planeswalkers like The Wandering Emperor, Kaito the Dancing Shadow, Vraska Betrayal’s Sting and Kaya Intangible Slayer. It has a lot of removals from single kills to mass annihilations … The main purpose of the deck is to control the early threats while you prep for a perfect end kill shot with kaya or infect them with White Sun’s Twilight… or the best way to win is when your opponent concedes hehehehe… #mtgarena #magicthegathering #phyrexiaallwilbeone
MTG Arena 2023- Phyrexia All Will Be One - Standard Esper Control Deck
Everyone hates a Mill Deck except me… This is a Standard Phyrexia Mill Deck with a touch of Poison… If you don’t get killed by the Infected… Your library get sucked up to the graveyard… It’s a control deck… So this means, slow agonizing defeat for the opponent… Patience is a Virtue… Take your time and use you turn wisely… This is not a NetDeck… It’s Home-Brewed with Love, Hate and Control…
MTG Arena 2023 - Standard Phyrexia Toxic Mill Deck with Jace the Perfected Mind and Vraska
Damage earky with the underdog, Harvester and Trespasser while keeping your hands full with Gix … control the board with lightning strike, Go for the thriat and Burn Down the house… while finishing them off bit by bit with Ob Nixilis and Invoke Despair …your typical Nuisance Deck for the opponent!
MTG Arena 2022 - Rakdos Invoke Despair with Ob Nixilis, Sheoldred, Flesh Gorger & Gix for the win!
Best of One Standard Deck List
15 Creatures
3 Tenacious Underdog
3 Bloodtithe Harvester
2 Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor
2 Phyrexian Fleshgorger
2 Graveyard Trespasser // Graveyard Glutton
1 Atsushi, the Blazing Sky
2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
29 Non-Creatures
2 Reckoner’s Bargain
3 Go for the Throat
3 Lightning Strike
2 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary
2 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki
Control the board. Produce Mana enough to cast One with the Multiverse. The whole game will fold upon your favor. May the Force be with you. Let’s get it on!
MTG Arena - Standard Izzet Control with One with the Multiverse and Portal to Phyrexia
Best of One Standard Deck List
6 Creatures
2 Atsushi, the Blazing Sky
3 Hullbreaker Horror
1 Cityscape Leveler
29 Non-Creatures
3 Fading Hope
3 Consider
3 Play with Fire
3 Negate
3 Brotherhood’s End
3 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki
It’s Mono Black – Early Creature Damage. Numerous removals for opponent’s creatures. Nail the guy with Sheoldred the Apocalypse… Simple as that. This is a no non-sense deck.
MTG Arena - Standard - Corrupt Mono Black - Brother's War with Sheoldred and Phyrexian Flesh Gorger - Magic the Gathering
It’s that Mono Blue Tempo Deck with Haughty Djinn and Tolarian Terror that pisses off the opponent… This is my version of it… It’s all about timing and protecting your creatures so you can one shot or two shot your opponent … Don’t be such a haughty kid!
MTG Arena 2022 - Standard Mono Blue Haughty Djinn and Tolarian Terror Deck