Poetic Dustbin

MTG Arena Decks & Gameplays

Magic the Gathering is the game that I fell in love with. I’ve been playing paper magic since the release of 4th Ed. I’ve started off with a mono black deck then a blue control deck. I didn’t have money then to buy really good cards but now with the release of MTG Arena I get to play most of the good modern cards online against other players. Though I play a variety of color decks, I am a full-time DIMIR control player.

MTG Deck in Focus

MTG Arena 2023 – Standard Phyrexia Toxic Mill Deck with Jace the Perfected Mind and Vraska

Everyone hates a Mill Deck except me… This is a Standard Phyrexia Mill Deck with a touch of Poison… If you don’t get killed by the Infected… Your library get sucked up to the graveyard… It’s a control deck… So this means, slow agonizing defeat for the opponent… Patience is a Virtue… Take your time and use you turn wisely… This is not a NetDeck… It’s Home-Brewed with Love, Hate and Control…

MTG Arena Gameplays

Check out my recent game plays with different types of colors and deck builds. 

A revision of my orzhov token deck. This is a much effective way of semi control and token advancement against your opponent. …

This is an 80-card Control Deck… Why? … to get more quality cards in the deck and create a variety for wincon …

This is an 80 card Deck of pure Izzet Dragon Control – Why Do they Quit? – well it has early removals …

https://youtu.be/ULTCLcA9v5g A little bit of control… a little bit of Orzhov token creations… some VIP planeswalkers… that produce tokens… Increase the number …

It’s a Mill Deck… with all the bells and whistles… Ruin Crab, Maddening Cacophony and Tasha’s Hideous Laughter… but there’s more… let’s …

It’s Azorius time with Raven’s Warning! A Control Deck this is. Having extra hands in your sideboard and being able to use. …

I am Dimir. This is a Dimir Control Deck so expect to piss off your opponent. It’s a long grind… the primary …

https://youtu.be/KIVXlaMKjeMThis is not an aggro deck with Goblins … The purpose of the deck is to chip damage to your opponent bit …

This is a Standard Monoblack Zombie Deck… My take… using Champion of the Perished, Rotten Reunion, Tainted Adversary, Graf Reaver and a …

When it comes to MTG Decks… My favorite color is Blue/Black aka DIMIR… and I love creating control decks… And today, I’m …

Vampires. Blood suckers. It’s a bit of an aggro deck with Anje, Maid of Honor as a finisher sacrificing blood tokens to …

I wanted to created a Flash Rogue Deck without ending up using Ruined Crab… and here it is. Milling here is just …