Poetic Dustbin

MTG Arena Decks & Gameplays

Magic the Gathering is the game that I fell in love with. I’ve been playing paper magic since the release of 4th Ed. I’ve started off with a mono black deck then a blue control deck. I didn’t have money then to buy really good cards but now with the release of MTG Arena I get to play most of the good modern cards online against other players. Though I play a variety of color decks, I am a full-time DIMIR control player.

MTG Deck in Focus

MTG Arena 2023 – Standard Phyrexia Toxic Mill Deck with Jace the Perfected Mind and Vraska

Everyone hates a Mill Deck except me… This is a Standard Phyrexia Mill Deck with a touch of Poison… If you don’t get killed by the Infected… Your library get sucked up to the graveyard… It’s a control deck… So this means, slow agonizing defeat for the opponent… Patience is a Virtue… Take your time and use you turn wisely… This is not a NetDeck… It’s Home-Brewed with Love, Hate and Control…

MTG Arena Gameplays

Check out my recent game plays with different types of colors and deck builds. 

Hot, Hot, Hot Dogs in the Arena. Mardu Aggro Deck Dog Tribal that PACKS a wallop with Embercleave. It’s simple as it …

Mono red aggro deck. Need I say more? It’s all about getting the job done ASAP… Feel the power of Embercleave! Decklist …

Standard Cleric Deck with Cleric of Life’s Bond, Hallowed Priest getting bigger and badder with the help of Luminarch Aspirant … Don’t …

Mono White Aggro is a simple deck to use… You get creatures on board and attack your opponents. The spice of the …

It’s a Blink Control Deck … Delay and Take care of early threats… Get Yorion and the Prince on board… blink … …

This deck works by limiting your opponent’s hand and killing their creatures. You don’t allow them to establish a good board. Then …

Nothing much here. This deck is more of a fun deck. You deny your opponents having a handful of cards thus controlling …

It’s a Mill Deck! Initially the Ruin Crab would bit by bit eat your library… followed by the annoying Teferi’s tutlage draw …

Orzhov Control Deck with a lots of removals, discard and exile cards. It’s a hate deck. Take out your opponent’s creature then …

It’s back to Rakdos with Kroxa, Titan of Death’s Hunger and my pet cat Lurrus of the Dream Den. Together with Hateful …

Standard Monoblack Deck that features Hateful Eidolon, Dead Weight, Mire’s Grasp, Lurrus of the Dream Den Combo… The idea is kill the …