Something Hideous
View on Instagram It started with a doodle… and i said what the heck, let’s make something out of this hideous creation…
View on Instagram It started with a doodle… and i said what the heck, let’s make something out of this hideous creation…
Here’s a Flashback! When I was a kid, there is one show I particularly like aside from Sesame Street and that’s the Great Space Coaster. Classic 80’s kid, that’s who I am. At that time, I never really try to understand what the show is all about, I’m just after the good graphics, the laughs …
What makes a rainy Work-from-Home day lunch break awesome? A hot Lugaw with Egg topped with fried garlic bits and fried banana. My mom usually cooks this during cold days. I always insist on adding a generous amount of ginger. I love garlic and ginger. What better food to incorporate these two add-ons than in …
This is not a full review even though I’ve watched the flick already. I don’t want to spoil EVERYTHING for those who haven’t 😀 .. just a little… There… that’s my disclaimer… A Bit of Synopsis The film revolves around this “magical” pill that was engineered to give an individual super powers for 5 minutes. …
View on Instagram Every single bead, every ounce of need Kneeling in social media Saying Amen, Hell Yeah! Keep it quiet, no one’s buying it. When you pray, mean what you say. – poeticdustbin .
View on Instagram So how’s the META goin’ now in standard? Do you miss the old days when you just sit and wait till your life drops down to zero with my oven pal? 😈… . . . . . . . .
The Classic Pinakbet. I’ve always been a semi vegetarian type of guy when it comes to food. I’d choose vegetables over meat given a choice. It’s not that I don’t like meat or fish, i just find veggies yummier and healthier. 👌.. Pinakbet and chopsuey are on my top list. And when Tita Cit cooks …
View on Instagram Life is always better when you have a sibling. It can be a brother or sister. Blood is always thicker than water. You’ll have someone to turn to at your deepest, darkest hour. Me. I don’t have any brother or sister. I am the only son. When I was young, I …
View on Instagram I just watch as lies, deception, corruption and wickedness as they unfold. I will do the sweeping of carcasses, burn them and laugh… Humans are the only specie in this planet that don’t care about preserving their homes. They destroy everything in their path in the name of development and the …
Have a Great Monday Morning Humans! Egg, Corned Beef and Too much Garlic Rice 😈🤘 . . . . . . . Breakfast-Work-Lunch-Work-Dinner-Sleep-Wakeup … The infinite 5 day cycle surrounded by the same four walls where you crank and sleep… This is the new normal… I accept it…