Poetic Dustbin


Life’s like a week version of Groundhog Day

Have a Great Monday Morning Humans! Egg, Corned Beef and Too much Garlic Rice 😈🤘 . . . . . . . Breakfast-Work-Lunch-Work-Dinner-Sleep-Wakeup … The infinite 5 day cycle surrounded by the same four walls where you crank and sleep… This is the new normal… I accept it…

Turks Chicken Pita Doner

This was my doner and dinner last night, pun intended 😁… Me and my honey are big fans of Turks’ Pita Doner. Though she likes the beef more, I tend to opt for the chicken variety. I just think it’s more flavorful 😊… Inside this Pita: Chicken bits damped with slightly spicy taste, cucumber, onion …

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Sunday Morning : Ground Pork Menudo.

Good Morning Humanity. Woke up late and i intentionally did because it’s Sunday! Who wakes up early on a weekend? Not me. Let’s start the day with a good ol’ breakfast. Today’s morning meal is : Ground Pork Menudo with Boiled Egg. Paired with steamead rice sprinkled with garlic bits… Let’s dive in 👌…